Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Gimme a B, Gimme an S, Gimme an F...

What a fantastic organization BSF is! If you’ve not heard of it let me take this time to share with you. Bible Study Fellowship is an international Bible Study Group that operates out of San Antonio and is worldwide in several different countries. It’s an in-depth study of strictly words of the bible and the format is designed so that you get to spend daily time with God and His word. Attending the classes will dramatically make a difference in your walk with Christ! It has for me. Each year (the study follows the timing with our kid’s school year) they study one of about 8 lessons different lessons. Currently we are studying the entire book of Matthew and it’s relation to other scripture including the other 3 books of the Gospel. All over the world, everyone studies the same lesson at the same time. How cool is that, to know that anyone you meet in BSF, is also on the same chapter you are.

Though the group is made up of many different “religious” backgrounds, Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, etc. you are asked not to mention your church by name or share that type of information. (which is what it will finally be like one day anyway.) Though I’ve noticed some slight bias for certain beliefs which rarely come across in the teaching the core truths and study techniques are phenomenal and right from the word of God.

Particularly if you like analytical type studying, you will love this class! It appeals to the intellect of and really convicts the heart. If you have never made daily time with God a priority, this is the class to take to make it happen! There are classes for women or men, day or evening, and if you have school aged children 1st grade+ they too get to be part and have their own study group where they do the same type lesson you do in adult group.

If you’d like to check out this group with me sometime, drop me a line! I’d love to take you!

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